How We Work

Architecture and interior design like most of the any design form in this world, requires sensitivity towards the subject matter. Whether it’s a giant airport to a bespoke chair designed for a lounge every design needs a wholistic attention and care for details. Hence we design projects that come along our way and the one that fit our sensibilities. We have designed a kiosk for a roadside hawker to a office and industrial projects spanning acres.
We keep nothing preconceived for consultancy. As design consultants we are happy solve problem through design for smallest of day to day house problems.
Design styles limit the design potential. Each project is different as each clients process is different hence limiting to a set style is something we sway away from. Instead we believe in refining the design to a stage where it’s form is consistent with its use and yearns for timelessness.
Each project comes with different set of skills and our time and involvement for the same. Hence instead of a set job rate-card we work on basis of number of days/months/ years to be allotted through the project and we work out our consultancy fees structure that involves the professional man-hours required to furnish the job.
Our primary job as architects and interior designers is to serve as consultants to the client and what is best for the project. Hence for most of our projects we tend to do things which simplifies the job at hand and serve our role as consultants. But, If the client needs us to undertake execution for their ease of operations we are more than happy to help them avail this service, abiding to terms and conditions as a contract undertaking.
Yes, we provide architectural, interior design, structural design, plumbing design, electrical and IT design, HVAC design all coordinated under our studio head for optimum coordination for projects for larger scale.